Vision and Mission


The Institute envisions equipping student teachers with an education that strengthens their intellect and wisdom. We aim to instill social, ethical, and political awareness in our students so that they become informed and responsible citizens of the future. Furthermore, we aspire to develop creative and constructivist teaching approaches aligned with global educational trends.


The institute's mission is to support and develop educators who are knowledgeable, skilled, and dedicated to creating positive learning environments. We aim to foster student success and contribute to advancing education and society. We strive to cultivate a supportive learning environment that encourages innovation and research through a constructivist curriculum approach.

Goal and Objectives

The Institute has set goals and objectives to provide a wide range of professional and vocational courses to student teachers to meet the demands of society. In addition, the Institute aims to develop a positive self-concept among student teachers, create awareness of educational issues and rights, and foster a rational outlook towards society. The Institute is also committed to promoting purposeful education focusing on human values and social responsibility by participating in outreach programs. Finally, the Institute strives to achieve excellence in academic disciplines and extension activities by emphasizing quality in every activity.